Basic module
This module deals with basic knowledge of points, lines, quality grid,
meaning and vibration of colors, rules for coloring fields in fractal drawings, connected to universal symbolism such as
circles, squares, spirals, triangles, and infinity signs.
The topics of the first module are:
- 1. About Integrative Fractal Drawing;
- 2. Lines, field size, types of pressure;
- 3. Position of the drawing and its characteristics;
- 4. About colors and their meaning in integrative fractal drawing;
- 5. About universal symbols;
- 6. Lines through rhythm, color, and sound;
- 7. Brain neuroplasticity and integrative fractal drawing;
- 8. Exhibition.
The goals of the first module are:
- ⚬ Understanding fractal laws in nature;
- ⚬ Acquiring basic knowledge of integrative fractal drawing;
- ⚬ Understanding fractal principles through integrative fractal drawing.
The outcome of the first module is the acquisition of basic knowledge in creating integrative fractal drawings.